


Avih   sannihitam   guhacaram   nama

mahat   padam-atraitat   samarpitam

ejat   pranan-nimisac-ca   yadetaj-janatha   sad-asad

varenyam   param   vijnanad   yad-varistham   prajanam.


"Bright, existing very close, moving in the cavity of the heart; great and the support of all; In Him is all the Universe centred round: what moves, breathes and winks. Know it which is both form and without form, the most adorable, the highest of beings, the one beyond the understanding of creatures."



Consciousness is considered to be bright in the sense that it is the light that illumines for us our thoughts and ideas. This light, that illumines, that is within, is certainly the light of intelligence in the intellect. This is not physical, ordinary light as known to the scientists; it is the Consciousness, the Life-Principle( tattvam) in the individual.

Existing very close:- 

The Atma or the Divine Spark in us considered to be the closest to us, since it is the very center of your personality. We use the pronoun 'that' to indicate something which is farther from another object which is nearer to us---indicated by the term 'this.'  The Atma is the center, and the objects constituted by the world of ideologies, feelings, and matter, are all widening circles of concentric circumferences around the same center.

Moving in the cavity of the Heart:-

The love-heart is the cave of intellect in which intelligence resides; and the Atma or the Spirit is the central light in the intelligence. The heart in man is universally accepted as the seat of all that is humane.

Great and the support of all:-

The Eternal, we have already found must be formless and the formless must be all-pervading. 'Truth pervades all, and nothing pervades it.'  Naturally, the extent and dimensions of Truth must be greater than the greatest, since it is the infinite. It is the support of all, in the sense that if Consciousness is removed nothing exists; if existence is removed from a table, the table should become non-existence. The 'cause is the support of all the effects'--clay is the support of of clay-pots; gold is the support of all gold-ornaments.' In this sense the Atma or the Self  is here described as support of all.

Moves, breathes and winks:-

Under these three classifications one can bring the entire universe. Rivers, waves, trains and cars though inert  in themselves fall under the category of those that move; so too, the concept of Time. The entire kingdom of living-beings breathes and  with intelligence the winking starts, so that on the whole the entire universe  constituted of inert bulks that move the entire kingdom of living organisms and intelligent beings.

The one beyond the understanding of creatures:-

The Spirit is beyond the intellect, only means to say that the Spirit is the subject which is the thinker, in the intellect. The instruments of thinking have no vitality of their own to think themselves without the thinker behind them. Nobody can ride on himself; in that case, the rider and the ridden are to become one and the same. Spirit is beyond the understanding of creatures, because the Spirit is the understanding-principle behind all instruments of understanding.     




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