Mundaka Upanishad : Chapter 1: Section 2.6 : Swami Krishnananda

Mundaka Upanishad :
Chapter 1: Section 2.6

Ehy-ehiti  tam-ahutayas suvarcasah
suryasya rasmibhir-yajamanam vahanti,
priyam vacam-abhivadantyo-’rcayantya,
esa vah punyah sukrto brahma-lokah (1.2.6).

The Sun’s rays, as the flames of fire, are not dead things; they are consciousness.

They speak to you : “Come. Glorious man, here are the flames. Come, come.”

The oblations, when offered properly with the recitation of the mantras correctly pronounced, create a situation wherein the oblations start assuming life. We have heard that, in ancient days, divinities used to rise up from the fire, bringing some offering. The nectarine pudding which was brought by a divinity in the sacrifice performed by Dasharatha is one of many instances. The living voice of the flames of fire in the sacrifice, and the glorious rays of the Sun, join together and speak very delightful words.

Priyam vacam abhivadantyo’rcayantya : “How blessed you are. How good it is of you to have done the sacrifice. Glory is awaiting you. Indra is wanting to see you. Blessedness shall be your future. We are here at your service. Come on, sit in this chariot of the rays of the Sun. Rise up and be eternally blessed.”

These flames and the rays speak gloriously in a melodious, loving voice to the yajamanam, the performer of the sacrifice, who has succeeded in conducting it systematically, perfectly.

Esa vah punyah sukrto brahma-lokah : “We shall take you to Brahmalokam.” The glory of spiritual experience is supposed to reach its upper limits in a realm that is described in the scriptures as Brahmalokam. This is a word we have heard many a time. Literally it means the lokam, or the world of Brahman. It is not the Absolute Brahman that is referred to here, but the Creative Principle. Brahma in Sanskrit is in the masculine form. It is a state of affairs where the world melts into a state of intermingling activity of waves of consciousness.

There are some mystics who have gone into ecstasy over the description of what this so-called penultimate state of the liberation of the soul actually is, where the sea of radiance billows, as it were, with its ripples and waves dashing one over the other, where every wave is like every other wave, where each reflects the other, each is mirrored in the other, and everything is found everywhere. Each one is everything else also, and everything else is also each one. The general is the particular, the particular is the general.

To be continued ..


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