


Pranavo   dhanuh   saro   hyatma

brahma   tal-laksyam   ucyate

apramattena   veddhavyam

sara-vat   tan-mayo   bhavet.


"The Pranavam is the bow, the Atma is the arrow and the Brahmam is said to be its mark/target (goal). It should be hit by one who is Self-collected and like the arrow, becomes one with the mark i.e. Brahmam."


In these two mantras( 3&4)  the method of penetrating the Truth-center in us with our mind, is the theme. In these mantras Archery is used to explain( bow and arrow cum Target)

The bow here is the chanting of "OM"( A U M) with a knowledge of the significance of "OM."  The arrow is the  Atma ( Life-Center) in the individual. The Awareness  in us, propelled by the motive-force generated in voiceless ecstasy, during thoughtless meditation, "flies" (arrow) to touch Total Awareness, (Target)   the Brahmam, the all pervading Reality.

"Through chanting of "OM" ( bow),  our mind is silenced and  flies ( the mind/arrow), to the goal ( target) Brahmam, and penetrated the target ( united with the Brahmam)."

This can be practiced by seekers ( every one daily) to uplift and make a union with Brahmam/ Teuth/ Realty/ Easwaran.


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