

Mantram:-10.( last of this chapter).

Purusa   evedam   visvam   karma

tapo   brahma   paramrtam,

etad   yo   veda   nihitam    guhayam

so   vidya-granthim   vikiratiha   somya.

Meaning of mantram:- 

The Purusa ( Easwaran) alone is all this Universe---the sacrificial works (karma) and austerities (Tapas). O good-looking youth! he who knows this highest  and immortal Brahmam as seated  in the cavity of the heart, unties the knot of ignorance even here, in this very life.


This mantram declaring the spiritual conclusion that the entire world of names and forms, feelings and ideas is but a manifestation of the dynamic whole ---------the Purusa. Action and thought (knowledge) when combined together provide us with the different fields of activities called Universe.

Purusa:- (today)

Purusa ( chaithanyam /Easwaran) is the vital centre in the individual is to gain the true knowledge of the Self. Today to each one of us, our centre is the false-ego which is the seat of our total identification with the false envelopment of matter that seemingly veil the spirit. We think that we are body-mind-intellect-equipment and this constant thought is the ego which is the hornet of pains and limitations.

"Untie the the knot of ignorance":-

To rediscover  ourselves to be not BODY, MIND, AND INTELLECT, that we are nothing but the SPIRIT-CENTRE---the PURUSA( Easwaran), is to end all our self-made shackles, the chains of ignorance. The knot of ignorance is the primal bondage under which the Spirit  seemingly commandeers a delusion to dream its own finite and morality.

End of chapter 2, section-1.



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