



Ara   iva   ratha-nabhau   samhata   yatra   nadyah

sa   esho-ntas-carate   bahudha   jaya-manah,

Om-ityevam   dhyayatha   atmanam

svasti   vah   paraya   tamasah   parastat.


"Where all the nerves  meet like the spokes of a chariot wheel in the hub, there within the heart He ( Lord) moves, becoming manifold. Meditate on that Self as "OM." Godspeed to you in crossing to the farther shores beyond Darkness."



Hub of the chariot wheel  means here the center of love-heart, which is the seat of Pure Consciousness, and the Center of Life from the toe to tip of the hair on the head, here the wheel is the Life and chariot is our body. The nerves all over our body are the spokes of the chariot wheel.


Hub is the point that is in contact with every point in the circumference and it is that which equates all the different tensions working on the chariot wheel. Similarly the heart/Pure Consciousness is in contact with every point in our body through the nerves.


Meditate upon this HUB  of Life in us , as the Self/Atma, as  'OM'. This meditation of OM is already explained in the penetrating of Brahmam with the help of "Bow and Arrow."


"Godspeed to you":-

It is the 'cry' of the Teacher to his Student after teaching the Goal and the way. Teacher's job is now over,  It is now the student's pilgrimage to cross the ocean to reach the farther shores beyond darkness,to be taken by himself.      



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