


Yad-arcimad   yad-anubhyo-nu   ca

yasmin-loka   nihita   lokinas-ca,

tad-etad-aksaram   brahma   sa   pranas-tadu   van-manah

tad-etat   satyam   tad-amrtam   tat   ved-dhavyam   somya   viddhi.


"Luminous, subtler than even the subtlest, that imperishable Brahmam alone is the abode of the world and all inhabitants. He is Life, speech, mind, reality, immortality. That is the mark ( goal ) which should be penetrated by the mind. Penetrate it, O my friend."


In the previous mantram, the nature of Brahmam was told in detail and  explained how to know it. After knowing that, the statement in this mantram shall not be very difficult for any one to follow. 

Subtlety in philosophy is measured by its pervasiveness. 


The solid  is the grossest ; it is grosser than liquid, and the liquid, is grosser than the gas. The Truth is, as we have seen, all-pervading and naturally, It must be subtler than the subtlest, we can think of.


It is that to which we go back when tired or when the work is over. Brahmam is here described as the abode of the universe and the creatures living in it, in the very same sense. Out of Truth came life and matter, in it they exist; and into Truth they shall go back ultimately.

This Center of Life reigning in us, this seat of Consciousness is to be penetrated, by ourselves with our mind. Mind and Intellect are considered to be one and the same stuff and it has different names, only to indicate its different functions. With intellect to discriminate and separate the dead-matter from the dynamic Spirit, is the Vedanta sadhana for the intellect, which is fulfilled only when we seek and establish our identity with the Spirit. Know, feel, expand and realize.

How to penetrate is explained in the next two mantrams:-... "penetrate It, O my friend."



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