


Sapta   pranah   prabhavanti   tasmat

Saptarcisah   samidhah   sapta   homah:

sapta   ime   loka   yesu   caranti   prana

guhasaya   nihitah   sapta   sapta.

Meaning of the Mantram:-

From Him are born:

1. Seven Pranas,

2. The Seven Flames,

3. Seven-fold fuel,

4. The Seven-fold oblations,

5. as also the seven worlds where the Pranas move in the cave of living creatures; 

Seven and Seven.


1.From the Supreme Self ( Paramatma or Brahmam)  are born the seven sense-holes in the head of all living creatures: two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth. ( seven pranas) 

2.The seven flames mentioned are the seven powers of cognition that beam out, as it were, to illuminate their respective objects.

3.Thus through the eyes, intelligence beams out to perceive form( roopam) and colour.

4. Through the ears, vitality shoots out to illuminate sound.

5.Each sense-organ can illuminate only the objects.

6. With the ears we cannot recognise form; nor can we see sound with our eyes.

7. A flame can be maintained only when there is fuel for it. 

8. Here the fuel for these cognition-rays are nothing but their object themselves.

9. If there were no sound at all, naturally, we would not have recognised that we have an organ called the ears that can perceive sound, sound is the fuel that maintains the flame of sound-Consciousness shooting through the ears.

10. The oblations:  referred here must the knowledge gained.(knowing the objects).

Homam and havis:-

Oblation is that which is thrown into the flames and which sinks down into the very source of the flame, there to get itself digested and burnt down.

The Seven Loka:-

Loka here mean the sense-centers in the intellect, the nerve-centers or inner principles (tattvam)  of the senses, without which the external senses cannot by themselves function, nor control the sense-organs.

The Cave:-

When the individual is in the state deep sleep, the vitality of these centers retires and takes rest, as it were, in the cave of the heart ( where the intelligence remains), here the Prana is not the vital air, is clearly shown by the suggestive description that they move and functions in the cave of the heart.   



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