


Yasmin   dyauh   prthivi   cantariksa-

motam   manah   saha   pranais-ca   sarvaih,

tam-evaikam    janatha   atmana-manya

vaco   vimunca-thamrta-syaisa   setuh.


"He in whom the heaven, the earth and the inter-space are centered, together with the mind and all life-breaths (Pranas)---know Him alone as the one Self of all, and desist from all other talk. This is the man's bridge to the shore of Immortality ( across the ocean of life)."


"Are Centered":- The cause is the very substance of the effect; like mud is the very essence of all mud-pots. Likewise the entire world of things is in essence nothing but the Supreme Consciousness. A sure method by which we can end all pains and sense of limitations by knowing the seat of our Consciousness in ourselves.

"Know Him":- Here, the object-of-knowledge is but the subject itself and,  as such, here the word 'know'means rediscovery ---a recognition. This is not possible so long as the seeker is preoccupied with the world of external objects and their problems.

"Desist from all other talk":-   So long as a seeker is worried about the world or its problems ----Social, Communal, or National---his attention will be always extrovert, then he cannot have the joy of Self-discovery. "Give up  our preoccupations with the outer world."

"This alone is the bridge to the shores of Immortality":- In short, the mind and intellect( buddhi) should be transcended. In other words, the ego ( 'I' , ' MY ', etc) is to be eliminated; the ego being the awareness conditioned by our mind and intellect. 

"To  transcend the mind is the same as to surrender the ego."  


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