


1. Satyam ( truthfulness ), Ahimsa ( non-injury ), and Brahmacarya ( self-control ), are the three main corner-stones of the temple of Hinduism.

2. Satyam should play in the field of the intellect. When one is convinced of the God-theory and the Divine Nature of the One Self through observation, analysis, study, and self-thinking, to act thereafter in term of animal thoughts  and undivine emotions to commit sinful criminality, it is in this sense the word Satyam is used in the mantram.

3. Tapas is good to body and mind,

4. Truthfulness, meditation, and intense study of scriptures will help to develop Brahmacarya.

5. Gradually animalism dies away and when he thus becomes purified his mind and intellect become more and more subtle and, therefore, capable of greater awareness.   


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