


1. Fifteen Kalas ( parts) : 

a). Prana ( the Creator in us )- meaning the creative urge in man's physical, mental, and intellectual personalities.

b) Faith- Without a certain amount of faith, none of us can conceive of or act in or accomplish anything in this world. 

c). When the Creator gains faith , the grosser five great elements are born as Space,  Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

d). The perceivers of qualities of these five elements are the five sense-organs.

Ear to perceive the quality of Akasa, the Sound;

Skin to perceive the quality of Air, the Touch;

Eye for the quality of Fire, the Form;

Tongue  for the quality of Water, the Taste; and the,

Nose to Smell the quality of Earth.

e). Mind: When we have thus five different sense-organs to perceive five independent and heterogeneous  qualities, unless there is a synchronizing and co-ordinating factor, we could not have the organised and synthetic knowledge of objects; hence, the mind. 

f). Food: Mind is produced out of the subtler aspects of the food taken in. Food 

g). Strength: Food yields strength or vitality in is. 

h). Penance ( Self-control ) : When a mind is thus well fed and full of vitality and strength, thoughts manifest; and a very controlled and regulated-thought-flow,

i). Mantram : This thought-flow over a chosen subject matter is called reflection ( Mantram). Mantram is a formula or symbol repeated often in order to facilitate the above-mentioned process of reflection.

j). Karmas : And mantrams chanted in a certain sequence accompanied by the various rituals, constitute the Karmam.

k). World : 'As the karma, so the world' is very well-known to us. A world is impossible without names and forms. 

l). Thus, the fifteen kalas or parts ( ring-lets) constitute the chain of bondage-and-sorrow provided by the delusive world which is the creation of the very creative urge in us!

2. In this mantram under discussion, the Sruti ( Risi's teachings passed on to generation after generation) is trying to explain what happens to the fifteen kalas or parts, 

3. When the Purusa (Truth)  is realized by the Yogi in Samadhi: "The kalas enter into their elements"just as snake enters into the rope and when the rope is under the light of a torch, the True Knowledge of the rope ends the delusive Snake!!

4. Devatas ( senses) enter their corresponding deva's ( deities) : Meaning- the sense-organs have their own presiding deities - example:- the eye is presided over by Sun. This only means that the vision of the eye can function only when its sense-objects such as form and colour are in the medium of light; that is only possible by light hence the Sun and so on...

5. Deeds and the self-full-of-knowledge: When a man with all his organs-of-knowledge and organ-of-actions intact, lives the life of experiences. Hence this expression is used in this mantram.   


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