


1. Brahmam, the Supreme Reality, is great or vast because it is all-pervading , meaning "that which pervades all and which is pervaded by nothing."

2. Divyam and Acintya-Rupam----( Self-luminous and inconceivable or unknowable) :  Spark of life in us is certainly illuminating principle, without any form and unknown.

3. Farther than farthest, it is here within :  We are looking for the Divine far far away, but it is within us.

4.Subtler than subtlest : It is so,---------------small no one yet see the Reality.

5. If Truth be thus such a vast unimaginable and inconceivable one, at once here, there and everywhere, it would be the legitimate doubt in every seeker as to how and where he can realize this vast Divine factor.

6. Upanisad : says that Truth is realized here, in the "cave of the Heart."  


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