1. Brahmam is stainless.

2. Brahmam is indivisible.

3.Brahmam is pure.

4. Brahmam is light of all lights.

5.Location of Brahmam:- 

a). Human personality is, for philosophical apprehension taken to be the Spirit enveloped ( circled) by five concentric circles of matter: they are - 1. Food-sheath (Annamaya kosam), 2. Vital-air-sheath ( pranamaya kosam), 3. Mental-sheath ( Manonmaya kosam), 4. Intellectual-sheath ( Vigjnanamaya kosam), 5. Bliss-sheath ( Anandamaya kosam) 6. Innermost sheath of the golden hue--the highest , it is here Brahmam is occupied.

6.This is called Atma or Jeevatma the part or shadow of Paramatma.


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