


1. One who  knows Supreme Brahmam, becomes Brahmam,

2. and his family, none who knows not the Brahmam will ever be born.

3. He crosses grief; crosses sin, and being free from the knots-of-the-heart, becomes immortal.

4. To them alone let one teach this knowledge of Brahmam, who perform rituals, who read Vedas, who pursue the meditations upon Brahmam,

5. who possess faith and offer oblations themselves to the fire called Ekarsi; and who have observed strictly the Sirovrata( carry pots of fire on their head!)

6. This is the Truth. Rishi Angira communicated this to his disciples in ancient times. No one, who has not observed any vow( renunciation), is fit to study this.

7. Our salutations to the great sages : our prostrations ( Sashtanga Namaskarams) to the great Seers.

Mundakoupanisad ends here.   


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