Mundakopanishad : Chapter-3. Section-2. Mantram-4. - Swami Krishnananda.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021.9:56. PM.
Chapter 3,Section 2, Mantram-4.

"Nayam atma bala-hinena labhyo na ca pramadat tapaso vapy alingat, etair upayair yatate yas tu vidvams tasyaisa atma visate brahma-dhama ."(3.2.4):

A weakling cannot attain the Atman. The word ‘bala-h?nena’ has been used here in a different sense. It does not mean that elephants will reach God, and human beings will not, because elephants have greater strength than humans. Here, strength means toughness of the inner spirit. Of course it also means physical health, which is very necessary; but more than that, it means inner toughness of spiritual aspiration and the power of tapas, the strength of freedom from desire.

All these are implied here by energy, strength, bala; and whoever has not this bala, or strength, cannot attain the Atman. The Atman is great energy, power and potency; and that can be reached only by a powerful person, spiritually great in energy. Therefore, weaklings cannot reach the most powerful. Neither should we be physically weak, nor mentally, nor intellectually, nor spiritually, nor ethically. We should be strong in every field. Na ca pram?d?t: A heedless, careless and slipshod attitude towards the Atman will not take us there. How concentrated our mind has to be is mentioned here. Today I think of the Atman, tomorrow I think of the anatman; today I sleep away, tomorrow I shall do work; the day after tomorrow I shall eat, and go for a walk, then go on tour, and do every blessed thing distractedly, in a perfunctory manner. This is called pramada, or careless behaviour. A person who is careless in his attitude towards the Atman will not reach it.

Tapaso vapy alingat: By any kind of ostentation, pretension, vainglorious appearance in public life, this is not to be attained. A great person in society need not be really great in the eye of God. And austerities which are just physically oriented, and even torturous mental restraints, may not be adequate for the sake of the Atman, because the highest tapas is love of God. Mumukshutva, and all austerity, converge in this intense longing, devotion; and any kind of tapas or austerity, minus devotion or longing, ends only in a kind of mortification of the spirit, and will not lead us to the Atman.

NEXT - Ch-3, Sec-2, Mantram-5.

To be continued ...



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