Mundakopanishad : Chapter-3. Section-2. Mantram-3. - Swami Krishnananda.



Friday, August 6, 2021.9:12. PM.
Chapter 3,Section 2, Mantram-3.


"Nayam-atma pravacanena labhyo 

na medhaya, na bahuna srutena: 

yam evaisa vriute tena labhyah 

tasyaisa atma vivriute tanum svam." (3.2.3) : 

The Self is not attained through discourses, not through memorizingScriptural texts, nor through much learnng. It is gained only by him who wishes to attain it with his whole heart. To such a one the Self reveals its true nature.  *

This Slokam also occurs in the Kathopanishad. 

It means that logical disquisitions are not the means of knowing the Atman. Not by intellection, not by academic knowledge, and not by scriptural study—it shall be known only by that person who is chosen by the Atman. If God wills that we should know Him, we shall know Him. It is the grace of God :  is mentioned in the Kathopanishad. 

The grace of God is operating everywhere as events in this world, cosmic history, and the fate of people. The past, present and future of every individual are written in the firmament of the cosmos; therefore, it is up to us to devote ourselves to the Supreme Atman, the Soul of the universe, God Almighty, that we shall be in His good books.

To be continued ..



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