Mundakopanishad : Chapter-3. Section-2. Mantram-1. - Swami Krishnananda.


Friday, July 23, 2021.10:41. AM.
Chapter 3, 
Section 2,
Mantram-1. ( Desireless men get liberatedby worshipping "a knower of Brahmam.)


Chapter 3, Section-2, Mantram- 1.

"Sa vedaitat paramam brahma dhama  

yatra viśvaṁ nihitam bhāti śubhram, 

upasate purusham ye hy akamas 

te sukram etad ativartanti dhirah." (3.2.1) :


Commentary : 

Whoever knows this Brahman in which the universe in all its vastness is fixed, and which shines more radiantly than the Sun, and those people who are devoted to such a person without any kind of earthly desire, go beyond the chances of coming back to this world by rebirth. The possibility of rebirth is severed completely because the causes of rebirth, which are the remainder of the sanchita karmas, are burnt and become like a burnt seed.

The karma of the jivanmukta purusha is compared to a burnt seed or a burnt cloth. A burnt cloth may look like a cloth, but if we touch it, it is ashes. A burnt seed cannot germinate into a plant, though it may look like a seed to all outside perception. So is the condition of the knower of Brahman in this world. He transcends the causes of rebirth—śukram etad ativartanti; therefore, people adore these great beings. By the vibration that automatically arises around this person, a kind of purifying atmosphere is created. There is an aura around the knower of Brahman which reaches some distance according to the intensity of the realisation. It may be some feet, some kilometres, or even longer distances. The light of the Atman emanating from within into longer distances outside the body is called the aura of a person. The radiance cannot be seen with the eyes, but those effects can be felt.

There was a great saint and sage called Raghavendra Swami, and his Samadhi is in Mantralaya, which is now in Andhra Pradesh. It seems that three astrologers met him and saw his horoscope to find out how long he would live. One of the astrologers said 100 years, another astrologer said 300 years, and the third astrologer said 700 years. How is it possible that three great astrologers said that he would live for 100, 300 and 700 years? The saint, who was present while this discussion was taking place, said that all three astrologers were correct. For 100 years his body will last, for 300 years people will read the works written by him, and for 700 years his aura will be felt around his Samadhi. This is the great proclamation of the saint himself, and they say that whoever goes to Mantralaya and sleeps there for 3 nights expressing some wish, that wish will be fulfilled because of the greatness of the aura that continues to operate at that place for 700 years after his passing. I think 700 years are not over yet, so you can go and see what happens. Such is the power of the knower of Brahman.


Next-Chapter 3, Section-2, Mantram- 2.

To be continued ....



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