Mundakopanishad : Chapter-3. Section-1. Mantram-10. - Swami Krishnananda.


Thursday, July 15, 2021. 7:59. PM.
Chapter 3, 
Section 1,
Mantram-10.A desirer of prosperity should worship the knower of Brahmam.


"Yam yam lokam manasa samvibhati

visuddha-sattvah kamayate yam ca kaman, 

tam tam lokah jayate tams ca kaman

tasmad-atmajñam hy- arcayed bhuti-kamah." (3.1.10) : 


When we apprehend this Self in direct experience, whatever we wish to have will be in our hand. Whatever world we want to reach will be reached by us instantaneously. It may be the highest heaven, and we shall be there instantly. Ancient rishis were of this power. Narada can traverse through all the worlds as we can move through all the countries in this world with a vehicle. They have the capacity to adjust their spiritual personality to the conditions, laws and regulations of the different worlds. When they descend into the gross world, they adjust their personality into the gross conditions necessary; when they go to the heavenly world, they make their whole personality subtle, and they can even reach Brahmaloka as well. Narada is the son of Brahma himself. He can go to Vaikuntha and accost Narayana. So is the case with the knower of Brahman: yam ya? lokam manas? sa?vibh?ti.

Ta? ta? loka? j?yate: All regions come under the control of this knower of Brahman. And all the visualisations through the mind as objects of desire also get fulfilled in an instant. There is no time process. The objects of desire do not come tomorrow, they come just now; and we do not reach a place after some time, but immediately. A spaceless movement and a timeless achievement of purpose follows from the realisation of the Atman, which is eternity and space-like identity.

Therefore, it is proper for all people to worship the knower of Brahman. Because of the power of that person, the glory and greatness of that person who has known the Self, his blessing is wonderful. His blessing itself is a great virtuous benefit that accrues to us, because even to come in contact with a great soul should be regarded as the result of some meritorious deeds of the past. We shall not come in contact with anything worthwhile if our karmas do not permit.

Thus, the verse says that whatever world we contemplate in our mind, that we shall reach immediately, and whatever we think in our mind, that also will be materialised at once because of the power of the knowledge of the Atman. Hence, the knower of the Atman should be worshipped by everybody who is intent on their own welfare.


Next - Chapter 3, Section-2, Mantram- 1.

To be continued ....



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