Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-2. Mantram-6&7. Post - 22. Swami Krishnananda.


Thursiday,  February 18, 2021. 07:42. AM.
Chapter 2:
Section 2,
Post - 22.


Sectuion -2.
Mantram-6 : Method of contemplation on Brahmam with the help of Pranavam (AUM).

"Ara iva ratha-nabhau samhata yatra nadyah 
sa esho’ntaas - carate bahudha jaya-manah, 
aum ity evam dhya yath atmanam, 
svasti vah paraya tamasah parastat.": 


All the nerve currents of the body and the divinities of the cosmos are fixed in this universal consciousness, Brahman, as spokes in a wheel are fixed in the hub of the wheel. This One, in which everything is fixed, is moving inside the heart, and it manifests itself in various forms as visualisations by the mind of a variety of conceptualisations of objects—anta  carate bahudha jaya-manah

It was said you must meditate on Brahman. How do you meditate on Brahman? The prescription is given here. Aum ity evam dhya

: Meditate on Brahman as Om, by recitation of Om. Deeply chant Om like a vibration rising from the naval to the heart, as it were, and moving upwards through the heart and the throat until it becomes an articulated sound through the vocal organs. Inversely, when the sound formation of Om is recited through the vocal organs, it becomes subtler and subtler as the chanting becomes calmer and calmer, more and more inward, and becomes inverted into its original source until it reaches its vibratory condition where sound is absent. This ultimate vibration, which is the final shape of Om, is identical with cosmic power, the very will of God. Therefore, meditate on Brahman as Om. Om is the name of Brahman.

We want to call God by some name, and we cannot call Him by any other name except Om. This is because all other names—such as Rama, Krishna, Govinda, tree, stone, water, mountain—are words that we use to name particular objects. Every word in language has a particular object in front of it, located in some place, whereas Brahman is not an object located in some place. Hence, any word that can connote only a located object will not suffice in defining Brahman, which is everywhere. You require a universal name to denote Universal Being. The universal name is Om, according to universal vibrations. Therefore, through Om meditate on Brahman. 

aum ity evam dhya yath atmanam - : Thus, contemplate the Atman through Om.

svasti vah paraya tamasah parastat : The Guru is blessing the disciples. “May good betide you. Godspeed to you for crossing beyond this ocean of samsara, beyond this darkness of ignorance.” Tamasa? parast?t: “May you be blessed.” Here is a blessing from the Guru, as the teacher of this Upanishad.

svasti vah paraya tamasah parastat - : “May you succeed.” Bon voyage!


Mantram-7. Description of Lower Brahmam and mode.

"Yah sarvajnah sarva-vid yasyaisa mahima bhuvi, 
divye brahma-pure hy esa vyomny-atma pratisthitah" : 

It is all knowing, and aware of all things in detail. These words occurred earlier also. Sarvajña? has been interpreted as the knower of everything in generality; sarva-vid is one who knows everything in detail. So this Supreme Being, which is cosmically aware of everything in general as well as in detail, has its glory sung in this world in the form of this creation. This Earth, this glory that you see in this world, this very universe is the encomium, the praise of God. The whole universe is praising God in all its forms, in all its shapes, through all its historical processes and every shape that it takes through evolution. The world as a whole is a total prayer that is offered to God by His own creation. Sometimes it is said that God created the world so that the world may pray to Him—yasyai?a mahim? bhuvi.

 In the highest heaven, whose representation is within our own hearts as the subtle spiritual lotus—the city of Brahman, as it is called—in this firmament of the spirit, in the lotus of the heart, the highest reality is planted. The forms of the mind, the prana and the physical body, all forms are its manifestations.

To be continued ...



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