Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-2. Mantram-2. Post - 21. Swami Krishnananda



Friday,  February 05, 2021. 09 : 05. AM.

Chapter 2:
Section 2,
Post - 21.


Drona called Yudhishthira. “Come on. What do you see there?”

“I see a bird on the tree,” replied Yudhisththira.

“No. You are no good. Go to that side,” said Drona.

Then he called Bhima. “What do you see?”

“I see a bird tied to a branch of a tree.”

“No good. Go that side.”

Then he tested the other two brothers, and they also failed.

Then Arjuna was called and asked, “What do you see?”

“I see a black spot, and I see nothing else,” he replied.


That is the concentration that is expected in meditation on Brahman. It has already been mentioned that it is very subtle. How can the gross mind, which is accustomed to thinking of objects, succeed in thinking of subtle things? Brahman is subtle because of its universality on one hand and its inwardness on the other hand. The combination of these two aspects is very difficult to consider in the mind. Either we think of an expanse or we think something inside us. It is not merely an expanse outside, and it is also not something sitting inside us. It is a blend of the inwardness of subjectivity together with the expanse of objectivity, the infinity. As these two thoughts cannot combine easily, it is hard for the mind to concentrate on Brahman. It can concentrate on a form—on idols, on concepts, on an image that it places before itself—because it is outside. But Brahman is not outside. How will you concentrate on it? Apramattena veddhavyam: Very cautious you have to be, very careful. Do not be in a hurry. Then your mind will unite itself with the object of your meditation as the arrow merges into the object.

Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2, Section-2, Mantram-5 : Method of Self Realisation :


Yasmin dyauh prthivi cantariksam 

otam manah saha pranais - ca sarvaih,

tam - evaikam janatha atmanam, anya 

vaco vimuñca - thaamrta - syaisa setuh. (2.2.5): 


It is that on which space itself is fixed, which is the foundation of the whole Earth. The entire space is an object in front of that subtler, larger-than-space Reality. And all things, including the mind and the pranas, are fixed on that Reality. That alone should be the goal of your life. Tam evaika? j?natha ?tm?nam: Know it as the deepest reality of your own heart, the Atman.

Do not speak too much. Anya v?co vimuñcatha: When you speak, speak only about the Atman. Do not speak about anything else. All other words are weariness of speech. Therefore, concentrate yourself on this great ideal of your life, and mind your business, as they say. Do not engage yourself in other kinds of business in this world. This should be your only business, your only aim, and nothing else should attract your attention. Am?tasyai?a setu?: This sadhana, this practice, if it can be carried on successfully, will be the bridge to Immortality.

To be continued ...



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