Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-2. Mantram-2. Post - 19. Swami Krishnananda.


Friday, January 15, 2021.12 : 47. PM.
Chapter 2:
Section 2,
Mantram-2. : Instructions on contemplation upon Brahmam :
Post - 19.


Tad etad ak?aram brahma: This it is that they call the Imperishable Brahman. Sa pr??a?: That also is the vitality of the cosmos, as well as the individual. Tad u v??: That also is the reason why we speak. The energy that is necessary for the modulation of the vocal cords in the articulation of sounds is itself manifested in one form. Tad u v?? mana?: That is the mind that thinks. Tad etat satyam: It is the law, it is the rule, it is the regulation, it is the system, it is the order that maintains this cosmos—satyam. Satyameva jayathe: This great order is the Truth of truths. It is the will of the Absolute. It reigns supreme, triumphs always, and anything other than that cannot triumph.

Tad am?tam: It is immortal nectar, sweet as delicious honey. Immortal experience does not mean just existing for a long time, doing nothing. That is not immortality. It is a durationless experience where the concept of individual existence is completely abolished and transcended. For us who are living in a world of space and time, for us who are physical bodies, to be immortal would seem like living for a long time in some place, without dying. This is a crude, childish idea of deathlessness. That which is deathless is also not physical. That which is not physical is also not in space and time; therefore, it is not in some place that it may endure for a long time. The very idea or notion of immortality has to be re-evaluated.

Tad veddhavyam: This Great Being is our aim. We have to hit it as we hit an object with an arrow. “O dear brother, disciple, friend, student, whoever you are, saumya. O blessed soul, seeker of Truth, listen to me. Hit this object by the power of concentration as an archer hits a target with an arrow that he discharges from a bent bow.” In the third mantra, the practice of spirituality, or sadhana, is compared to an archer employing an arrow shot through a bow for the purpose of hitting a target. Now, what is this arrow? What is this target? What is the bow in the case of this sadhana, the spiritual practice? Upanishadic knowledge is the bow. With the help of the knowledge that you have gained by study of the Upanishads, and by deep contemplation on the Upanishads, consider that as the great weapon. The Upanishad is a great weapon.

Dhanur g?h?tv? aupani?adam mah?stra? ?ara? hy up?s?-ni?ita? sa?dadh?ta, ?yamya tad-bh?vagatena cetas? lak?ya? tad ev?k?ara?, saumya viddhi (2.2.3). Mah?stra?: It is the bow. Hold it in your hand and bend it, strike the string by the power of the concentration of your mind through analysis of the meaning of the teachings of the Upanishads, and delve into their true significance. With the power of intense devotion to it, bend the bow and pitch the arrow, which is the act of concentration. The mind is the arrow here, which is to be fixed on the bow of the knowledge of the Upanishad gained by deep thought and study. And the bow has to be bent by intense longing.

To be continued ...



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