Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-2. Mantram-2. Post - 18. Swami Krishnananda.



Friday, January 08, 2021. 09 : 33. AM.
Chapter 2:
Section 2,
Mantram-2. : Instructions on contemplation upon Brahmam :
Post - 18.


In the Kenopanishad, the student asks the Guru, “How do we adore Brahman?” We should adore Brahman as lovable. Actually, the mind will not concentrate on God unless He is beautiful, attractive and lovable. If He terrible and fearsome, the mind will not concentrate on Him. We cannot work by fear; we can work only by love. This applies not only to factories and offices, but also to the work called meditation in the spiritual field. God cannot threaten us so that we may worship Him. God can only attract us.


It is Aristotle who mentioned in his metaphysics that God pulls the world towards Himself as the beloved pulls the lover. These are examples and illustrations which defy logical considerations and mathematical calculations. Love is not logic and it is not mathematics, but it is something more than that. It is more precise than mathematics and more exact than any kind of calculation that we can think of, and greater than logic. Logic and mathematics are the greatest of sciences, so to say, but love is a greater science; and in the spiritual field especially, it is this that acts. The love of God, called mumukshutva, is the source of the success of the student in this field of yoga.


Chapter-2, Section-2, Mantram-2. : Instructions on contemplation upon Brahmam :

"Yad arcimad yad anubhyo’nu ca, 
yasmin loka nihita lokinas ca, 
tad etad aksharam brahma sa prnaas tada  van manah, 
tad etat satyam, tad amrtam, tad veddhavyam, saumya, viddhi" (2.2.2) : 


That great Reality, which has been described in cosmological terms in the earlier mantras, is manifesting its radiance, its flames, in the form of this creation. The world, as an emanation from God, is actually the rays of this Supreme Being manifesting themselves, as it were. It is the light of Brahman that is visible here as the world of perception, light getting condensed into solid matter, but it is nevertheless more subtle than even the subtlest atomic particles of life. It is arcimad, and also anubhyo’nu, meaning radiance, and subtler than the subtle. It is subtle because of its not being an object of perception. All things that can be conceived, thought of, spoken about or perceived are gross in their form. But this one, which is the knower and the seer of things, and cannot in any way be equated with objectivity of any kind, should naturally be very subtle. It cannot be known at all, inasmuch as it is the knower of things. Inasmuch as it is the knower of things, it cannot be known; therefore, it is anu, subtle.


Yasmin loka nihita lokinas ca : 


All this weighty mass of physical manifestation, this physical cosmos, as large as it is, together with all the inhabitants of this world, is rooted, fixed in this subtlest of realities. The subtler a thing is, the more powerful it is. A strong electric current, which is not a physical object like tangible bricks or stones, etc., may break a mountain and reduce it to powder if its voltage is sufficiently intense. Where is this subtlety, the invisibility of this energy called electric power? We cannot even see it with our eyes, but it can damage everything and dismantle huge structures. The subtlest of things is also the strongest of things, and therefore the weighty mass of the physical manifestation of the world is nowhere in comparison with this subtlest invisible reality on which everything is fixed. Invisible things control visible objects. The visible world is not the real; the real is that which cannot be seen. The invisible is the real. The more invisible and subtle a thing becomes, the more real it is.


To be continued ...



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