


Agnir-murdha  caksusi  candra-suryam

disah  srotre  vag  vivrtasca  vedah,

vayuh  prano  hradayam  visva-masya

pasdbhyam  prthivi  hyesa  sarva-bhutani-ratma.

Fire (Agni) is his head; Sun and Moon---his eyes; four Quarters or Directions----his ears; the declared Vedas----his speech; the air----his breath; the Universe----his mind (heart); the Earth originated from his feet. He is indeed the inner Self (Atma) of all beings.

Continuing the analogy in the last mantra(3), there will not be any contradiction if we were to describe the cotton as the sum-total shape of all the patterns  in the piece of cloth. Here in this mantra, we are having a description of the cause of its effects.

Technically the Supreme, identifying with an individual physical structure, as we always do in our waking state of Consciousness, is called Visva. And, the Reality or the Self, identifying with the entire world of gross forms is , in Vedanta, called Virat. In this mantra is the description of Virat form of formless Reality.

It is the realization of every great saint or prophet in all religions of the world, that the individual separative concept of a self-arrogating ego is a myth and a false glory. From the beginning to the end, the one continuous labour  in Vedanta is to prove to its faithful followers that the microcosm (individual)  is nothing other than  the macrocosm  (the total). Here, this idea is slightly developed in saying, "the heaven is His head, His eyes are the sun and the moon, space His ears,"etc. 

In Vedanta, in its own technical language, it says that the eye is presided over by the deity, the Sun; the ear is presided over by the deity, the Quarters. It is such statements that upset the western readers and their Eastern products viz ourselves. When Vedanta Sastra says that the eye is blessed by the grace of the Sun, it only means that in the medium of light alone can the eyes function; so too, only in the medium of space can the sound travel and only where sounds are, can the ears function. The entire mantra is thus the description of the Infinite in terms of the finite.  


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