Yada  lelayate  hyarcih  samiddhe  havya-vahane,

tada  jya  bhaga-vantaren-ahutih  pratipadayet.

When the fire is kindled and the flames begin to move, let the sacrificer offer his oblations (with faith) on the space between the two portions of the sacred fire where the ghee (clarified butter) should be poured.

"This mantra indicates that the Karma, itself limited,has its own rules ordering where anwhen it is to be performed. The aim of the teacher seems to be, when the entire section is read together as whole, only to point out to the disciple that the Karma is painful, complicated and difficult. The laboriousness of the rituals which becomes a shackle upon a full-grown seeker, in his flight across the realms of the higher meditation, is vividly brought out in the following next stanza".


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