The Mundakoupanishad : Post-28. Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission :

Swami Swaroopananda recently conducted a Hanuman Chalisa Maha Yagna in Nairobi, Kenya, with the theme of ‘Go Beyond Your Goal’. The talks were well-received, and the audience attendance increased every day. Swamiji explained the meaning and significance of the Hanuman Chalisa, as well as the impact of chanting the verses with faith and devotion. He recommended the attendees to chant the Hanuman Chalisa daily, seven times a week on either Tuesday or Saturday, and 100 times once a year or at least once in a lifetime.

A children’s camp on Hanumanji was held concurrently with the talks, where children engaged with stories, bhajans, chanting, games, and activities based on Hanumanji. The camp was a success, with the number of children increasing from 48 to 117 by the end of the week. The children left with a strong role model that they could look up to throughout their lives.

The event concluded on Hanuman Jayanti, which was celebrated with Hanuman Janma celebrations and Maha Arati with 108 arati plates, followed by 108 chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa the next day. The feedback received from everyone who attended the event was outstanding. Swamiji gave the audience a way to attain their life goals and go beyond them, providing hope, faith, and firm conviction, and showing them how to hold on in times of difficulty.


Wednesday, April 26,  2023. 09:00.

Chapter 2: Section 1 : 




Mantram-10. ( Brahmam and the universe are one, Knowing Brahmam destroys the knots of ignorance) : 

"Purusha evedam visvam karma

tapo brahma paramartam

etad yo veda nihitam guhayam

so'vidya-granthim vikiratiha somya."


"The Purusha alone is all this Universe-the sacrificial works (Karma ) and austerities (Tapas).O good looking youth! he who knows this highest and immortal Brahmam as seated in the cavity of the heart, unties the knot of ignorance even here, in this very life."  


Sruti is here declaring the spiritual conclusion that the entire world of names and forms, feelings and ideas is but a manifestation of the dynamic whole - the Purusha.

Action and thought ( Knowledge) when combined together provide us with the different fields of activities called Universe.

To know that this Purusha is the vital centre in the individual is to gain the true Knowledge of the Self.

The Knot of ignorance is the primal bondage under which the Spirit (Atma) seemingly commandeers a delusion to dream its own finitude and mortality.


The whole cosmos is this Purusha only. We are seeing nothing but that in front of us. Karma tapo brahma parāmṛtam: Our actions, our austerities, our studies, and the fruits of our actions are all included in this vast manifestation.  It is the Purusha Sukta speaking through the Upanishad, as it were.

The Guru speaks, “My dear disciple, listen! Whoever knows this secret that I have been telling you all the while, in connection with the Atman which is the deepest reality of every individual and the deepest reality of the cosmos, whoever knows this correctly and lives it, such a person breaks the knot of ignorance.” 

It tears it apart and scatters it into pieces. It scatters the knot of the ignorance which has caused us to believe that we are here as isolated individuals and the world is outside.

End of Chapter 2, Section-1.

Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) :

Greetings on the auspicious occasion of Shri Adi Sankara Jayanti 🌼

Adi Sankara was a towering intellect, linguistics genius, philosopher and reformer rolled into one. His achievements and body of work are so vast that the great saint is considered an Avatara for the sheer magnitude of his impact in a short life of just 32 years.

He single-handedly unified the scattered sects of Sanatana Dharma and established the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta or non-dualism. 

At Adi Sanakara Nilayam, the maternal birth home of Adi Sanakara, celebrations and tributes abound for this blessed day. Join us to celebrate Adi Sanakara Jayanti by following the proceedings virtually from anywhere in the world!

Next Chapter-2, Section-2.
Mantram-1. (Pointers to the nature of Brahmam and the advice how to know it.)
To be continued



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