The Mundakoupanishad : Post-22. Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya Mission :

The Golden Jubilee celebrations of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Virugambakkam was

an event with exceptional pomp and fanfare. The programme was held at the

YMCA, Royappetah on 29 th January, 2023. Honourable Governor of Tamil

Nadu, Thiru. R.N. Ravi, was the Chief Guest for the function. He emphasised on

decolonizing our minds and that students must take the country forward to

the next century. He felicitated the senior teachers and former principals.

The students who had carved a niche for themselves in the board exams were

applauded, and received the award from the Governor.

Apart from that, the high school students' concert highlighted ‘THE MAN’, Thiruvalluvar -

a cultural and moral icon as well. The play included Abdul Kalam’s meeting with Swami Sivananda and his transformation, Muthuramalinga Devar’s faith in delivering people in the right path and Rani Velu Nachiyaar’s patriotism and many others. The programme concluded with the closing prayer.


Friday, February 03, 2023. 07:30.

Chapter 2: Section 1 : 

Mantram-4.(Cosmic form of Brahmam - the Indweller of all living beings.)



Mantram-4.(Cosmic form of Brahmam - the Indweller of all living beings.).

Agnir-murdha caksusi chandra-suryau

disah srotre vag vivrtasca vedah,

vayuh prano hrdayam visva-masya

padbhyam prthivi hyesa sarva-bhutaniratma. (2.1.4) : 


Translation of  the Mantram ;

Fire (Agni) is his head; Sun and Moon -his eyes;

four Quarters or Directions-his ears; the declared

Vedas-his speech; the air -his breath; the

Universe-his mind (heart); the Earth originated from 

his feet. He is indded the inner Self of all beings.  


This Cosmic Being is described here as something like the Vishvarupa Darshana of the Eleventh Chapter of the Bhagavadgita. 


Translation :

Agnir-murdha : Agni here represents heaven. The radiant heavens are the head of the Supreme Being. 

Caksusi chandra-suryau : The Sun and the Moon are the eyes of that Supreme Being. 

Disah srotre : The entire quarters of space are the ears, as it were, of that Being. 

Vag vivrtasca vedah : The Vedas are its words, or the speech it utters. 

Vayuh prano : The entire cosmic breath, the entire air, the wind, the universal prana, is its breath. 

Hrdayam visva-masya : The whole universe is its heart. 

Padbhyam prthivi : The gross form of physical manifestation in the form of this Earth may be regarded as its footstool. 

Hyesa sarva-bhutaniratma : This is a picture before you of the all-pervading Soul of all beings.


This illustration is to point out that all things that we can conceive in our mind or see with our eyes are part of this Great Being, limbs of the Virat Purusha. That something is the eye, something is the head, something is the foot is only illustrative of everything being somehow or other organically connected with this Being.

The whole universe is his mind(heart ) : hyesa sarva-bhutaniratma.


Mantram-5. (Sequence of Creation from the imperishable.)
To be continued



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