The Mundaka Upanishad : 2. Swami Krishnananda
Tuesday, January 25, 2022. 19:00.
Santhi Mantram &
Peace Invocation (Santhi Mantram) :
Om bhadram karnebhih srnuyama devah
bhadram pasyem -aksabhir -yajatrah
vyasema devahitam yadayuh
Svasti na indro vrddha-sravah
svasti nah pusa visva-vedah
Svasti nastarksyo aristanamih
svasti no Brhaspatir-dafhatu.
om santhih! santhih!! santhih!!!
Translation :
Om. O gods, may we, with our ears, hear what is auspicious; O ye fit to be worshipped, may we, with our eyes, see what is auspicious. May we enjoy the life allotted to us by the gods, offering our praise with our bodies strong of limb. May Indra, the powerful, the ancient of fame, vouchsafe us prosperity. May He, the nourisher and the possessor of all wealth, give us what is well for us. May the Lord of swift motion be propitious to us and may the Protector of the great ones protect us too.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.
Chapter-1, Section-1.
The Glory of Knowledge Knowledge is attained not so much by the effort of the individual as through the Sages who hand down this Knowledge. The characteristics of the ancient disciples were very marked. The aspiration, the sincere perseverance and the devotion they had to the ideal of Knowledge was exceptional. They attained the Knowledge with much difficulty, undergoing many hardships in the forms of austerity, service of the preceptor and practice of meditation.
Knowledge is the ripe fruit of the fine flower of virtue. Righteousness practised without exceptions, to the very law, gives rise to the state of introversion and contemplation of consciousness. It is absolutely necessary that the aspirant or the disciple should be a contemplative so that he may be receptive to the Knowledge imparted to him. Knowledge is received by the internal nature and, hence, it is not properly received by extroverts.
In this Upanishad it is said that Knowledge was originally imparted by the Creator Himself to the representatives of Knowledge, the Sages and the Divine Beings. Though everyone has the right for Knowledge, it is Knowledge that is connected with renunciation that becomes the means to liberation.
Renunciation is the necessary implication of the attempt at an expansion into universality of nature. Knowledge cannot be expected to be co-existent with worldly activity. Love for the world is not consistent with love for the Absolute.
Therefore, true spiritual Knowledge is found only in those who find no value in anything that is objective.
1,2 . Lineage of teachers
Mantra No. 1:
oṃ | brahmā devānāṃ prathamaḥ saṃbabhūva viśvasyakartā bhuvanasya goptā |
sa brahmavidyāṃ sarvavidyāpratiṣṭhāmatharvāya jyeṣṭhaputrāya prāha || 1 ||
Translation :
1. Brahma was the first among the Devas, the creator of the universe, the protector of the world. He taught the knowledge of Brahman, on which all knowledge rests, to his eldest son Atharva.
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Sri Swami Adi Shankaracharya’s Commentary:
The word “Brahma” means “much grown,” “great”, as excelling all others in virtue, knowledge, freedom from desires and power.
The word Devanam means Indra and others, literally, those possessing “enlightenment.”
The word ‘Prathama’ means “preeminent by attributes” or “at first.”
Sambahhava means “became manifest well,” i.e., of free choice not like mortals who are born in Samsara, in consequence of their good and bad deeds; for, the Smriti says “He who is beyond the reach of the senses and cannot be grasped, etc.”
Visvasya means “of the whole universe.”
Karta, ‘creator Bhuvanasya, ‘of the world’ so created; gopta, ‘protector the epithets for Brahma are for eulogising the knowledge. He, i.e., Brahma whose greatness is thus celebrated.
Brahma Vidyam, ‘knowledge of the Brahman or the Paramatmam’ because it is described as knowledge ‘by which one knows the undecaying and the true Purusha that knowledge is of the Paramatman; or
Brahma vidya may mean “knowledge taught by Brahma the first born.”
Savva vidya pratishtam means “that on which all knowledge rests for support”; because it is the cause of the manifestation of all other knowledge; or, it may he, because the one entity to he cognized by all knowledge is only known by this; for the Sruti says “by which, what is not heard becomes heard; what is not thought of becomes thought of; and what is not known becomes known.” The expression “on which all knowledge depends” is also eulogy.
He taught this knowledge to his eldest son; as Atharva was created at the beginning, in one of the numerous creations made by Brahma, he is said to be his eldest son.
To him, his eldest son, he taught.
Brahma was the first among the divine beings. This Lord of all, the protector of all, imparted to his eldest son Atharva this Brahma-Vidya which is the basis of all sciences. Brahma-Vidya is the fundamental science because it is the explanation and the very substance of all knowledge, the different aspects and branches of which are all lower forms of knowledge.
To be continued
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