Mundakopanishad : Chapter-3. Section-2. Mantram-2. - Swami Krishnananda.
========================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, July 30, 2021.12:55. PM. Mundakopanishad Chapter 3, Section 2, Mantram-2. ( Cessation of cycle of re-birth through desireless-ness.) -------------------------------------------- Mantram -2 : "Kaman yah kamayate manya-manah sa kamabhir - jayate tatra tatra, paryapta-kamasya krt-atmanas tu ihaiva sarve pravi-liyanti kamah." (3.2.2): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If we desire anything, we will be born according to the nature of the desire. Inasmuch as every day we accumulate desires and go on piling them one over the other, and the duration of our lifespan is not long enough to permit us to enjoy all those desires, we die before the desires are fulfilled. Some of them are of course fulfilled, but many of them are not, and our unfulfi...