Mundakopanishad : Chapter-3. Section-1. Mantram- 6. - Swami Krishnananda.


Monday, June 07, 2021. 06:10. PM.
Chapter 3, 
Section 1,
Mantram-6 : Glory of Truth.

Mundakopanishad : Chapter-3. Section-1. Mantram- 6.

"Satyam eva jayate nanrtam, 

satyena pantha vitato deva-yanah, 

yen-akramanty-rsayo hy-apta-kama, 

yatra tat satyasya paramam nidhanam (3.1.6).


Commentary :

Truth alone triumphs, not falsehood. Through truth the divine path is spread out, by which the sages whose desires have been completely fulfilled reach to where that supreme treasure of Truth is. Truth is more than truth-speaking. Truth is the symbol of perfection, a representation of the Divine Being. Adherence to truth means embracing the universal nature of Reality. Therefore, truth wins victory everywhere. Truth is the essence of the Universal movement consisting of evolution and involution. Untruth is negative, whereas truth is positive. Through truth the consciousness blossoms into more expanded experience, but untruth attempts to stifle consciousness altogether and disallows the expansion of consciousness causing, at the same time, the hardening of individuality.

It is Truth through which the divine way, or the life of spiritual striving, is spread before the aspiring individuals. The universe, as a spiritual organism to be striven for, is brought into the consciousness of the individual through the practice of Truth. Truth is, in fact, the eye of the individual aspiring for the realisation of its Absolute nature. The sages got a vision of this Truth because they were absolutely free from defects such as deceit, delusion, fraud, pride, vanity and falsehood. They found the consummation of their desires and aspirations in this Absolute Truth. They became first desireless, and then sought the Truth. Desire breeds falsehood, and desirelessness gives rise to Truth. Truth enables one to attain the Supreme Treasure, which is the Absolute Truth.



"Brhacca tad divyam-acintaya-rupam,
suksamac-ca tat suksama-taram vibhati,
dirat sudere tad-ihantike ca,
pasyatasvi-haiva nihitam guhaayam."  (3.1.7): 

To be continued ...



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