Mundakopanishad : Chapter-3. Section-1. Mantram-3. Post - 3. - Swami Krishnananda.


Thursday,  April 29, 2021. 12:31. PM.
Chapter 3, 
Section 1,
mantram-3 (Annihilation of sorrow through God Realisation)
Post - 3.
(3.1.3) : 
Mantram-3..(Annihilation of sorrow through God Realisation)

Mantram-3..(Annihilation of sorrow through God Realisation)

Yada pasyah pasyate rukma-varnam 

kartaram isam purusham brahma-yonim, 

tada vidvan punya-pape vidhuya 

nirañjanah paramam samyam upaiti (3.1.3): 


Commentary :

When this seer, the individual soul, beholds this glorious, luminous, radiant, Universal bird nearby—which is really the ruler, the originator, the controller of all things, which is the seat of Brahman itself, the Supreme Purusha, Mahapurusha, Purushottama—then the knower of this Universal bird sheds all the effects of punya and papa, merit and demerit. Freed from contact with the effects of good and bad deeds, one attains equality with the Universal. The moment we are conscious of the Universal, we have become one with the Universal.

Here, in this case, knowledge is the same as being. In ordinary life, knowledge is not being. If we know there is a lot of money in a bank, it does not follow that we possess that money. In ordinary life, knowledge is not power, and it is also not being. But here, knowledge is at the same time power and being. The being of the object is, at once, the being of the knowledge of that object. The knower of Brahman becomes Brahman. Universal equality is attained by the consciousness of there being such a thing called Universality. Therefore, we have to awaken ourselves to the consciousness of our true nature, which is Universal existence, and not this body-mind complex.

To be continued ....



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