Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-1. Mantram-7- Post - 12. Swami Krishnananda



Saturday, October 10, 2020. 08:53.AM.


Chapter 2:

Section 1,

Mantram-7 : Rituals and means to perform them are also born from the imperishable




Creation, therefore, is a multidirectional activity. It is not a single direction that is taken as we walk on the road, for instance. We walk only in one direction, but the will of Brahman does not act in that manner. It acts from all directions, and it is as infinite as Brahman itself is. This is why it is said that the creation of Brahman is infinite. The Infinite produces the infinite, limitlessness comes from Limitlessness, and Eternity produces eternity, as it were, we may say, in a most remarkable sense.



Chapter 2:

Section 1,

Mantram- 7 :

"Tasmac - ca deva bahudha samprasutah 

sadhya manushyah pasavo vayamsi, 

prana-panau vrihi-yavau tapas ca 

sraddha satyam brahma-charyam vidhis - ca" (2.1.7): 


Translation :

Tasmat  =  from Him;

ca  =  and;

devah  =  the Gods;

bahudha  =  all various orders (Vasu-s, Rudra-s etc,);

samprasutah  =  are born;

sadhyah  =  the celestials;

manushyah  =  the men;

pasavah  =  the cattle, beasts;

vayamsi  =  the birds;

prana-apanau  =  the in-breaths and out-breaths;

vrihiyavau  =  the corn and barley;

tapah  =  the (concentrated) thought, austeries;

ca  =  and;

sraddha  =  the devotion;

satyam  =  the Truth;

brahma-charyam  =  Self-control;

vidhih  =  values of life;

ca  =  and;

samprasutah  =  were born.


Discourse :

These passages connected with the creation of the universe occurring in the Mundaka Upanishad have some connection with the Purusha Sukta of the Veda, which also says that all the gods, all the sacrifices that are performed by the gods and also performed for the gods, and every animal conceivable, every little thing—birds, insects, even the grains in the fields, the very breathing process, and activities such as religious and philosophical considerations, faith and truth, self-restraint, law and order—all these are the will of Brahman. The author of the Upanishad has, as much as possible, tried to conceive everything. There is nothing left unsaid by these verses, which are very few in number but abundant in their meaning.



To be continued ...



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