Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-1. Mantram-5-continued , . Post - 10. Swami Krishnananda



Tuesday, September 15, 2020.10:16.AM.


Chapter 2:

Section 1,

Mantram-5 : Sequence of creation from the imperishable, Continued ...




"Tasmad agnih samidho yasya suryah

somat parjanya osadhayah prthivyam,

puman retah sincati yositayam

vahvih prajah purushat samprasutah." (2.1.5).



Anna is the product of this concentration of the will of Brahman. All that is produced can be regarded as anna and, in this sense, the finitude itself is a product. It is anna for the concentrated will of the Atman to manifest itself as an individual. And the finitude causes another product which is its anna—namely, the reason or the intellect. The mind is the anna, or the product of the reason; the prana is the anna, or the product of the mind; the physical body is the anna, or the product of the prana. As it happens in this manner in an individual case, so is it that everything happens in the world. The Panchagni Vidya of the Chhandogya Upanishad is a cosmological iteration of the very same process that takes place in our own individuality, through which it is that we are what we are in this body.


The causes behind the causes is the story of creation, especially the Panchagni Vidya Tattva. There is a cause for the body, which is the prana. There is a cause for the prana, which is the mind. There is a cause for the mind, which is the reason. There is a cause for the reason, which is the jivatatva, or finitude. And there is a cause for that, which is the will of the Atman. So is this production of things and events in this world, which are occasioned by certain vibrations. The vibrations are one behind the other. In the beginning, originally there is the tattva, or the tapas concentration of Brahman itself, which gyrates and produces Hiranyagarbha tattva, Virat tattva, space-time. After that there are the tanmatras—shabdha, sparsa, rupa, rasa, gandha—then the five elements, and all things down to the very earth from where there is the harvest of diet, food, which when eaten produces vitality in the system, causing further enlargement of the species.

Mantram-5. Ends

Next - Mantram-6.

To be continued ...



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