Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-1. Mantram-2. Post - 3. Swami Krishnananda


Saturday, June 06, 2020.
Chapter 2:
Section 1,
Mantram-2. The Absolute nature of Brahamam.
Post- 3.

"Divyo hy amurtah purushah sabahyabhyantaro hy ajah
aprano hyamanah subhro hy-aksharat paratah parah."     
Translation :

divyah = self-resplendent;
hi = verily
amurtah = formless;
purushah = Purusha ( Brahmam);
sabahya-bhyantaro = (that all- pervading Being) is both within and without;
hi = verily;
ajah = unoriginated;
apranah = (anterior to) without life;
hi = verly;
amanah = without mind;
sah = he;
subrah = pure;
hi = veril;
aksharat = from the indestructible;
paratah parah = He transcends even the transcendent.
The Essence :

"Self-resplendent, formless, unoriginated and pure, that all pervading Being is both within and without. Anterior both to life and mind, He transcends even the transcendent, unmanifested, causal-state of the universe." 

Discourse :

Sa bahyabhyantaro hy ajah: Inside and outside, it is there. Consciousness cannot be divided into parts. It has no fractions. There is no division in Consciousness. It is indivisible. Because of the fact that it is indivisible, it is all-pervading. If it is only in one place, it can be divided. If it is only in one place, there should be a place where it is not. Now, to know that Consciousness is not in some place, Consciousness has to be there already, because the absence of Consciousness cannot be known except by Consciousness itself, and so even the location of the absence of Consciousness is Consciousness itself. We cannot negate it in any manner whatsoever. The denial of Consciousness is an act of Consciousness only; therefore, it is to be considered as pervading all things, and not located somewhere. It is not only in one place, it is everywhere.

Ajah: It is unborn; it has no beginning. To conceive the beginning of Consciousness is impossible, because there must be somebody to conceive that Consciousness as the beginning. If we imagine that Consciousness was created at some time, we must imagine that there was something prior to Consciousness which created Consciousness. Then there will be what is called an infinite regression of argument: Who created that which causes the coming of Consciousness? Then we can ask another question: Who caused that second one? and so on. Finally, we will find that we will land on the lap of Consciousness. It cannot be created by anybody, because the very question of the creation of Consciousness is raised by Consciousness itself. Hence, finally we have to accept that Consciousness is the Ultimate Reality; it is unborn in its nature.

Apranah : It is not individual prana consciousness—breathing, etc. It has no mind, because there is no necessity for it to think anything. 

As there are no objects in front of it, why should there be a mind? 
As it is not an individual with a body, therefore there is also no prana. 

Subhrah : Pure, simple radiance. 

Aksharat paratah parah : Even the so-called imperishable prakriti is perishable in the light of a still higher imperishability that is beyond prakriti—paratah parah.

Mantram-2. Ends.
Next - Mantram-3 : Brahmam - The Supreme Cause of All.
To be continued ....



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