Mundakopanishad : Chapter-1. Section-2. Mantram-10&11.1 - Swami Krishnananda


Mantram-s  - 8 to 10 : Description of the sad state of knowledge-less ( devoid of Upasana ) ritualists-
Ishtapurtam manyamana varishtam
nanyac chreyo vedayante pramudhaḥ,
naksaya prsthe te sukrte’nubhutvemam
lokam hinataram va vishanti (1.2.10).

So it is very, very unsafe to rely on certain temporary experiences through which you are passing in this world. You may be a king, of course, but you shall not be a king always, because kings can be beggars the next day. It does not take much time for them to fall, and all the kings have fallen. Empires are broken. Therefore, nothing can be relied upon in this world finally, so beware. Not only will you be born into this world as a human being, but the caution is that you may be born as something even worse on account of some other karmas that may be embedded in your sanchita storehouse, of which you have no knowledge just now.

Therefore, no action can break the chain of birth and death caused by action itself. Action cannot destroy actions. There must be some super-active force that has to be employed for the purpose of breaking down the chain of metempsychosis, the series of births and deaths. A prisoner cannot release another prisoner. The prisoner has to become free first. People who are bound by karmas, and are involved in the experience of the fruits of karmas, cannot destroy further fruits of karma of a similar nature. That karma cannot destroy karma is repeatedly hammered on our ears by Acharya Sankara, the meaning of which very few people can understand. Only those can be regarded as really blessed who restrain themselves and do not go for the imagined joys of the temporal, heavenly world, and who internally restrain themselves by tapas and intense concentration of the mind.
Tapah sraddhe ye hy upavasanty aranye
santa vidvamso bhaiksacaryam carantah,
surya-dvarena te virajah prayanti
yatramrtah sa puruso hy avyayatma (1.2.11).
#What men with knowledge ( Upanishad ) attain!

Those blessed souls, seekers of Truth, who lead a life of simplicity, austerity, tapas and internal devotion, live in seclusion, and do not want to live in large cities. They feel happier to be alone to themselves than to be in the midst of families and large crowds of people. The progress in the spiritual path can be gauged by the extent of satisfaction and joy that you feel in your own self when you are alone. The more are you alone, the more are you happy. But if you feel miserable when you are alone, and want to open your doors and run out of the house to find some friends on the street, or go to a shop or a club so that you may have a distraction and a diversion—you are miserable when you are alone, and you are happy in the midst of people—if that is the case, far, far are you from the true goal of life.

But it is difficult to appreciate how it is possible for a person to be happy when he is alone. Is he not a social outcast?

He is a person with nothing to call his own. He has nothing of his own. He has no friends. He is sitting alone somewhere in a corner, under a tree in a forest or in his own house, wanting to speak to none, doing his study and meditation.

What kind of person is he?
To be continued ...



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