Mundaka Upanishad : Chapter 1: Section 1 : Mantram-3 &4 Discussions


Mundaka Upanishad : Chapter 1: Section 1 :


Saunako ha vai mahasalo’ngirasam 

vidhivad - upasannah papraccha,

kasmin nu bhagavo vijñate

sarvam - idam vijñatam bhavati iti (1.1.3)

Discussion :

 “Great Master, holy Sage, what is that, by knowing which, one can know everything else also?” Is it possible to know something which can lead to the knowledge of all things at the same time? Generally, such a thing is not possible. If you know one thing, you know only that thing. The knowledge of A does not involve the knowledge of B, because A cannot be B. One thing cannot be another thing; it is the law of contradiction in logic. So what is this question? A supernatural question is raised by Saunaka Mahashala: “What is that thing, the knowledge of which will, at the same time, mean the knowledge of all things?” It was a simple question, leading to an answer which is the entire Upanishad.

To the sage Saunaka, who queried in this manner, Angiras, the Master, speaks.

Tasami sa hovaca - -

dve vidye veditavye iti ha sma yad

brahma-vido vadanti, para caivapara ca (1.1.4)

"Two kinds of knowledge—dve vidye—are to be acquired: the higher and the lower. We have to know what higher knowledge is, and we also have to know what lower knowledge is. This is what we hear from Brahmavids, the great knowers of Brahman. This is the instruction we have received from the Brahmavid in regard to how knowledge can be acquired, or obtained.

Knowledge of the lower is important, though lower knowledge is not the same as higher knowledge. Lower knowledge is something like the legs of a human being; and a human being can live even without legs. Legs are not essential to the body, but they are necessary for the body. In a similar manner, lower knowledge is not going to take us to Brahman, but it is necessary as legs are necessary for us, and so its essentials need not be overemphasised with a feeling of their overwhelming importance, giving no credit to that which will lead to that essential knowledge.

To be continued ..


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