
Showing posts from October, 2020

Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-1. Mantram-8-Continued .. Post - 14. Swami Krishnananda

  ------------------------------------------------ Saturday, October 17, 2020. 12:00.PM. Mundakopanishad Chapter 2: Section 1, Mantram-8.Objects, Organs and their presiding deities are also creation of Brahmam.  Post-14 ------------------------------------------------- Mantram-8. Discourse is continued ... Life is a prayer. The sense organs, in their greed for their objects, are actually praying for relief from the agony, or the involvement, in this grizzly action of their longings for things. There is a deity operating inside the ear as a point of consciousness at the back of the nervous system and the eardrum, etc., that appear to be the causes of the sounds that we hear. So is the case with all the other sense organs. If we ignore the presence of these consciousness points called divinities, we would be paying disrespect to them, and the agnihotra sacrifice would not then be performed. Those who eat without offering to the gods first as a sacrament are actually thieves, say...

Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-1. Mantram-8- Post - 13. Swami Krishnananda

------------------------------------------------ Saturday, October 17, 2020. 12:00.PM. Mundakopanishad Chapter 2: Section 1, Mantram-8.Objects, Organs and their presiding deities are also creation of Brahmam.  Post-13 ------------------------------------------------- From Him, from that great plenum of felicity, these seven senses manifest themselves.  Mantram- 8 : "Sapta-pranah prabhavanti tasmat  saptarcisah samidhah sapta-homaḥ,  sapta ime loka yesu caranti prana  guhasaya nihitah sapta sapta." (2.1.8).  -------------------------------------------------- Translation :  Sapta-pranah  =  Seven prana or organs of senes; prabhavanti   =  are born; tasmat        =  from him; sapta arcisah =  seven flames of fire (viz, Kali karati etc)which are powers of recognition; samidhah      =  (seven fold sense objects) fuel; saptah        =   seven fold; homaḥ...

Mundakopanishad : Chapter-2. Section-1. Mantram-7- Post - 12. Swami Krishnananda

  ------------------------------------------------ Saturday, October 10, 2020. 08:53.AM. Mundakopanishad Chapter 2: Section 1, Mantram-7 : Rituals and means to perform them are also born from the imperishable Post-12 ------------------------------------ 1. Creation, therefore, is a multidirectional activity. It is not a single direction that is taken as we walk on the road, for instance. We walk only in one direction, but the will of Brahman does not act in that manner. It acts from all directions, and it is as infinite as Brahman itself is. This is why it is said that the creation of Brahman is infinite. The Infinite produces the infinite, limitlessness comes from Limitlessness, and Eternity produces eternity, as it were, we may say, in a most remarkable sense. 2. Mundakopanishad Chapter 2: Section 1, Mantram- 7 : "Tasmac - ca deva bahudha samprasutah  sadhya manushyah pasavo vayamsi,  prana-panau vrihi-yavau tapas ca  sraddha satyam brahma-charyam vidhis - ca" (2.1...