SECTION:-1. SLOKAM-8. Tapasa ciyate Brahma tato-nnam-abhijayate, Annat prano manah satyam lokah karmasu camrtam. In brooding meditation or continuous thought ( Tapas), the total creative urge ( Brahmaji) swells ( with the very joy of Creation ). From Him food is produced, from food the prana, the mind, the Bhuta-s, the world's and the Karma-s and their fruits. The word Tapas has been very often misunderstood as 'austerity'. The word tapas has come to gather in the folds of iots various significances austerity also. It is the true scriptural meaning of 'concentrated thinking' that the word tapas, it seems, has been used here.Sruti elsewhere says "Aikagryam pramam tapah"development of single pointed attention is the Supreme Tapas.