The Mundaka Upanishad : Post-6. Swami Krishnananda.
============================================================== ============================================================= Tuesday, April 19, 2022. 08:50.PM. Chapter-1. Section-1. Mantram-5. continued ============================================================ Vyakarana is grammar. There are two types of grammar: classical grammar and Vedic grammar. In Panini's method, both types of grammar are found. Vedic grammar is studied only in advanced stages. Students of Sanskrit usually study only classical works and the well-known Vyakarana. Unless we know the technology of the method by which words are used in the Veda mantras, we will not make any sense out of them, and so Vyakarana, the study of grammar, is necessary. Nirukta is the etymology of the word—how the word has been formed. Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, and so on—what is actually meant by these words? They have a root. As every word in a language has a root from which it is derived, Vedic words also have a root ...