
Showing posts from December, 2019

Mundakopanishad : Chapter-1. Section-2. Mantram-10. - Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 28/12/2016. Mantram-s  - 8 to 10 : Description of the sad state of knowledge-less ( devoid of Upasana ) ritualists- Mantram-10. ======================================================================== Ishtapurtam manyamana varishtam nanyac chreyo vedayante pramudhaḥ, naksaya prsthe te sukrte’nubhutvemam lokam hinataram va vishanti (1.2.10). ======================================================================= 1. Many of these verses sound like the verses of the Bhagavadgita, in the Ninth Chapter, where it is said that after enjoying the glories of heaven you come back due to the exhaustion of the merits accumulated by good deeds. Ishta and purta are two types of good deeds that people do in this world. Sacrifices along the lines of the Vedic injunctions are called ishta. Other philanthropic deeds such as distributin...