
Showing posts from May, 2019

Mundaka Upanishad : Chapter 1: Section 2.5 : Swami Krishnananda

06/05/2019 Mundaka Upanishad : Chapter 1: Section 2.5 Chapter 1: Section 2.5 "Tam nayanty etas suryasya rasmayo yatra devanam patir eko’dhivasah." The soul, the subtle body of the performer of the yajna, is drawn out when the body is shed, and by the gravitational pull of the rays of the Sun and the propulsion given by the flames of fire into which the performer has offered the yajna, the soul that departs from the body of the jiva rises up. Where do we go? We go to the Sun, the solar orb. From there we are transported. Yatra devanam patir eko’dhivasah : - We are very graciously, lovingly escorted to the great heaven of Indra, who rules the whole heaven. So be prepared for the great blessedness of going to heaven, and do yajnas every day. In order to tell us that mere ritualistic performance in the form of sacrifices, etc., will not suffice for the salvation of the soul, the Upanishad first of all tells us some aspects of the manner in which the ritualis...