Mundaka Upanishad : Chapter 1: Section 1 : Mantram-s 1,2
24/02/2018 Mundaka Upanishad Chapter 1: Section 1 : Mantram-s 1,2. 1. Om Brahma devanam prathamah sambabhuva visvasya karta bhuvanasya gopta, sa brahma-vidyam sarva-vidya-pratistham arthavaya jyestha-putraya praha. 2. Artharvane yam pravadeta brahma-tharva tam purova-cangire brahma-vidyam, sa bharadvajaya satyavahaya praha bharadvajo’ngirase paravaram. Sum of mantram-1. Brahma, the Creator, who was the first born among all evolutes in the process of the manifestation of God Almighty, the Creator of this world and the Protector of all beings, taught Brahma Vidya—the science of Brahman, which is the origin, the support and the foundation of every other learning, every other vidya or science or art—to his eldest son Atharvan, a great sage. Sum of mantram-2. Atharvan taught this knowledge that he received from Brahma to another sage, called Angi. This great sage Angi, who received it from Atharvan, who received it from Brahma, gave this knowledge to ...